Shoan Lo
Managing Director

Shoan is a registered Sogetsu Teacher accredited with the Sogetsu Teacher’s Diploma in 2010. In 2020, she was appointed secretary for the International Society of Ikebana Research.

Shoan is a registered Sogetsu Teacher who is accredited with the Sogetsu Teacher’s Diploma in 2010 and now holds a Second grade Sanyo. She runs regular classes teaching the Sogetsu Ikebana style. 

With a background in architecture, she has ikebana training under the guidance of Shoso Shimbo since 2005. Being conscience about promoting ikebana, she helped Shoso Shimbo in finding the "Ikebana Gallery". She has partaken in various public exhibitions and competitions, with works display regularly at different premises.

Her ikebana mask has recently won the first prize for the Mask Making Challenge of the 2020 Royal Melbourne Show.

She is currently the Associate Director of the Ikebana Gallery Award Committee and a facilitator of the Ikebana Dojo.

In 2020, she has also been appointed as secretary for the International Society of Ikebana Research.